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Why blog?

November 29, 2012

A blog? But why? Will you ever have time to write anything? What do you hope to accomplish?

In answer to all of the above: I don’t quite know.  Starting a blog was suggested to me long ago by a few friends, and running a blog is what several of my favorite role-models do (and do well).  Perhaps my blog will totally flop, and go back from the nothingness from whence it came (like the Balrog before Gandalf, or syphilis before pencillin). Perhaps my posts will be as infrequent and uninteresting as ‘yield’ signs in West Texas.  But perhaps I will actually be able to inspire someone to pursue ‘caritas, veritas, or hilaritas.’ Or maybe I’m doing it because it’s just easier to publish some of my previous essays/pieces here, then email them to others (for scholarly or personal reasons).

I don’t know. The entire idea of a blog seems rather egotistical to me. “What makes you so special, that you think people will listen to you? You’ve just got diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain.”  But hopefully, if the blog’s focus is something higher than me–something like charity, truth, or light-heartedness–then the endeavor will be worth the wasted digital ink.  Anyhow, I’m not holding my breath.  Cranial hypoxia is worse than just about anything in medicine, including maggots.

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